Weekly News

Parish of The Epiphany Masterton
Weekly News

Musicians Wanted

When we did our Church Survey some people responded that they would be interested in being part of the music team. If that was you and you are still interested please talk to Rev. Sarah
if you can play the piano or organ and would like to play. Talk to Rev. Sarah

Coming Up

Cuppas and Conversations 
Friday 28 February @ Cafe Strada
Pop in anytime between 10:00am and 11.30am for a cuppa and some great conversations. We would love to have you join us.

Every Wednesday at 10:30am
Join our weekly bible study group and cuppa meeting in the hall. 
Wednesday services are on the 1st and 3rd weeks in the month. 

Our Epiphany Amazing Race is back for 2025, register using this link https://forms.office.com/r/U97LQL3yNA

Morning Prayer on Zoom. 
Monday – Friday @ 9:00am Meeting ID: 228 086 0403 Passcode: prayers