Worship Services

Sunday Worship Services

8.00am NZ Prayer Book Communion Service

9.30am Intergenerational Communion Service 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays

9.30am Café Church @ Hadlow in the dining room every 3rd Sunday

Sunday school runs during school term 1st, 2nd Sundays to coincide with our 9.30am service.

Please note: if there are 5 Sundays in a month, the 5th Sunday will be a combined parish service at 9am with no other services in parish on that day.

Wednesday Worship Service – 1st and 3rd Wednesdays

10am Communion Service followed by a Bible Study at 10.30am. Both held in the hall.

Morning Prayer

9am Monday – Friday on zoom. Please email or phone the office for more details.